we walked along Solano and saw quite a few vegan treats. It's exciting to have so many flavors of cashew ice cream and signs that specify vegan!!!! I even spotted a Afro-Vegan cookbook at the spice store!

"No single food choice has a farther-reaching and more profoundly positive impact on our health, the environment, and all of life on Earth than choosing vegan." ABC (Alternative Baking Co.) Also, it's delicious. (Don't believe what you hear about vegan freaks.)
Chinese New Year banquet at Enjoy Restaurant
Dear SFVS members and friends:
Come celebrate the San Francisco Vegetarian Society's 50th
anniversary and the Year of the Dog with us at a Chinese New Year
banquet on Sat. Feb. 17, 2018, at 5:30pm for an eleven-course vegan
meal at Enjoy Vegetarian Restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown. All members
and their friends and family are welcome.
Here's our menu:
1.Steamed dumplings
2. Veggie shark fin soup
3. Lettuce Wrapped w/shredded mushroom, soy chicken & more
4. Taro, soy and pumpkin in coconut sauce
5. Eggplant w/sea bass
6. Stir-fried pea sprouts
7. Braised spareribs w/daikon
8. Bean curd rolls w/vegetables
9. Fresh mushrooms w/fried soft tofu & broccoli
10. Green vegetables vermicelli noodles
11. Spinach & pine nuts fried rice