Is this a chocolate boar's head?
Here are the words to one of the songs they sang in the category of The Community Celebrates.
The boar's head in hand bear I,
bedecked with bays and rosemary.
and I pray you, my masters, be merry,
Quot estis in convivio [As many as are in the feast].
Capput apri defero [I bring in the boar's head]
Reddens laudes Domino [Giving thanks to the Lord].
The cheese plate aloft I bring.That vegetarians may sing.
Though you eschew the flesh of pork
Still raise a glass and wield your fork!
Caput cheese plate...[I bring the cheese plate].
The boar's head as I understand,
is the rarest dish in all the land,
which thus bedecked with a gay garland
let us servire cantico [Let us serve with a song].
Caput apri...[I bring in the boar's head]
Fie then, sirs, and shame on you!
Abhor the boar, and serve tofu
This gorgeous block of gleaming white,
hic bean-um bonum servio!
Caput tofu...[I bring in the tofo].
Our steward hath provided this
in honor of the Queen of Bliss,
which on this day shall be served is (us?)
in reginesi atrio [In the hall of Queen's College].
Caput apri...[I bring in the boar's head].
Advice for the modern host:
You need not kill the thing you roast.
In faith whereof I propose this toast:
Ally ally al-ly oxen free!
Caput vino...[I bring in the wine].
Our cook hath roasted brussels sprouts,
and beans with garlic fill the house
a meal for friends of pigs and cows
in verdurum vivero
Caput garlic...[I bring in the garlic]
I would think this were funnier if I didn't fear that this really is the image people have of vegetarians--and they're not even talking of vegans! To be continued!
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