I see they use "Meat-and-Potatoes Man Pans a Friend's Vegan Cooking" in the Philadelphia Inquirer:
Both he and his friend had had serious health problems but responded differently. Bernie became vegan and obsessed with his health, while the writer writes "I say life should be enjoyed."
"I don't want to offend or discourage Bernie, " he writes, "but I hate his cooking. What should I do? Would a steak and a baked potato kill him?"
Dear Abby advises him to accept his invitation to supper but to let him know that he'll be bringing his own steak and potato with him, so "fire up the broiler."
I agree with Paunchy, the Meat-and-Potatoes guy, that life should be enjoyed, but unlike Paunchy, I know it can be enjoyed even more fully with vegan dishes, which Paunchy can learn to make himself or, if he isn't a very good cook either, he can find a vegan cookbook with delectable dishes and give that to his friend, who may be trying to save Paunchy's life.
It's probably not news that all of us are going to have to move to a plant-based diet not just for our health but to contribute less to the suffering of animals in factory farms and to eat in a way that is sustainable for the environment.
But it might be news that vegan dishes can be delicious.
I'd look towards tastier vegan dishes instead of asking a vegan friend to get the grill ready for steak.
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