Wanting to contact Nancy Skinner of Berkeley, I filled out a form obviously meant only for voters in Berkeley.
Bravo on proposing SB 1138! I read about this in Matier and Ross, who seem to think this is/would be an extreme and costly measure. I plan to write to them to point out the price we pay--in environmental degradation, animal suffering & health problems -- in basing our diets on livestock, but I first wanted to look up SB 1138 itself.
I see that some major points were crossed out so that the benefits to health and environment are not mentioned--just the "fair choice" part.
I'm doing phoning for KQED this Friday (May 11), and our group got a letter from them promising dinner (unless we had special dietary restrictions) and saying that a vegetarian option is usually provided. I wrote back to them, giving them a $500 donation towards beginning to provide VEGAN dinners. (I am now retired and get only 69% of what I got working, so this was for me a major donation.)
In a better world, vegan would be the default.
I wanted to reach you even though--sorry--I can't vote in Berkeley. I gave an incorrect address so this mail could get through. If there's another way to contact you, please let me know. I think even people who can't vote in Berkeley should be heard.
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