Friday, July 20, 2018

Kristie Middleton Interviewed on Nil Zacharia's Eat for the Planet

I can best sum up how wonderful this podcast by sharing my e-letter to Kristie Middleton:

Dear Kristie,

I was listening to a podcast of Nil Zacharia's interview with a woman who sounded phenomenal in what she was doing and how she was doing it at institutions like hospitals, schools, and universities.

I kept listening for her name, and as you may know, it was YOU!

Is there any way that I could get the written transcripts of your talk?   I was interested in particular details like what happened in Colorado, where at first there was protest (from a meat-industry area) and then when some higher up asked the woman you were dealing with just how important the Meatless Monday was, she said--in spite of not being a vegetarian or vegan--that it was very important.  If I remember correctly, they continued with the program and it was a success.

When WeWork made the announcement that it wouldn't pay for any of its employees' meat meals, people were interviewed for CBS, and it was great to hear people who weren't vegetarians say, "Well, I'm not a vegetarian, but I  think it's a good idea from a carbon footprint perspective."  and "I like the planet too."  

The news show begins with an inaccurate statement that WeWork was "forcing everyone to go vegetarian" because of course they're not forcing anyone to do anything.  They just won't PAY for meat, so they're encouraging their employees not to eat it, but they're permitting people to bring whatever they would like from home.  

Anyway, you did a SUPER job in the interview, which of course was based on your work!  If you can't send me the transcripts, could you tell me where I could get the full report?

Many thanks!

Tina Martin (who got to meet you at the SF Public Library a few months ago)

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