Dear Compassion Over Killing staff,
I read your "Guide to Promoting Veg Eating with Restaurants" with great interest. Thank you for all this good work!
I have a questions about motivating newspapers--specifically in the food section--to include vegans by ALWAYS asking the restaurant what their vegan entree is. They don't even have to try it if they don't want to. But I think newspapers could take a much more active role in acknowledging vegans if every restaurant review included at least a mention of the vegan entree--naming it or reporting the absence of one. If restaurants were always asked, they'd get the message.
I've made contact with the new food editor of the SF Chronicle, but he responded that they could always report on the vegetarian entree, and that's not nearly as hard to find on the menu as a vegan one. Too many restaurants think that they can just leave off the cheese and call it vegan, so what newspaper food critics (like the rest of us) need to do is ask for a specifically vegan dish--preferably one printed on the menu. (You acknowledge this dilemma when you speak of having a cruelty-free version of everything on the menu, not just a pasta dish and portabella mushroom sandwich.)
By the way, do you know of any newspapers who have a regular vegan column in the food section or who are already doing what I'm recommending?
I noticed that the Guardian has someone regularly sharing vegan recipes--Meera Sodha.
But I'm particularly interested in getting newspapers involved in supporting vegans as well as vegetarians and eaters of animals when they review restaurants.
Thank you for reading this far!
Tina Martin
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