Monday, October 29, 2018

World Veg Fest Very Well-Attended and Diverse

The World Veg Fest on Saturday, October 27, 2018 was a huge success-- well-attended, stimulating, and--best of all--diverse.  Kudos to Greg and Patly Rohrbach, Festival Organizers,  and the rest of the Festival Team, San Francisco Veg Society board members, and volunteers who carried this off!

Plant-powered athletes Monk & the Plant Powered Bothaz spoke about gaining strength--both physically and spiritually--after giving up meat and dairy.  I want to get the names of the other two men.  The man on their left, Cam F. Awesome, the #1 heavyweight boxer in the US, introduced them.  (I was trying to get pictures at three different presentations going on at the same time--a total of 27 plus all the vendors and volunteers.)

The cooking demonstrations included RG Richgail Enriquez on Filipino vegan dishes as well as Joe Geeseman on Russian ones, showing how we can keep ethnic and family traditions without causing animal suffering and environmental degradation.

Grey, the Vegan Rapper, closed the program with a funny and warm tribute to his girlfriend, whose decision to stop eating animals, eggs, and dairy products was for both of them!  "My girlfriend says we're going vegan, we're going vegan!"  He said that changed his life for the better in many ways--health, strength, and career when his vegan Thanksgiving rap went viral.

In addition to the cooking demonstrations, there were  more than 18 speakers between 10:30 am and 6:00 pm and 9 cooks, including Patricia Koot of Wellness Central, who was also a vendor, here with her husband and partner at Wellness Central.

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