The FFAC event on Sunday, December 3, 2017 made me grateful that, when it was sold out, the ticket takers let me get in with people I knew from SFVS, in their cluster.
Later, after the speeches, I paid them and made a donation.
The photos include some very young women, Luna Morales and Jamie M. Smith. I also met Yolanda Calderon and her friend, who's holding the petition for Prevent Cruelty CA.
The handout she gave me states the situation well:
"Cruel conditions on factory farms serve as breeding grounds for dangerous diseases and bacteria, which often end up in our food. Voters across California are signing petitions to place a commonsense measure on the ballot that would help prevent animal cruelty and ensure a safer food supply."
I didn't eat anything because I didn't want to pay until I was sure they'd let me hear the speaker and I didn't want them to run out of food because of me, an interloper, but I heard that the bites pictured here from Butcher's Son were like Thanksgiving dinner in a bite.

Katie Cantrell introduced Veg News/The Hen Hub Jasmin Singer (Always Too Much and Never Enough).
Katie Cantrell also presented a plaque honoring VegNews to its editor and co-founder Coleen Holland. Others announced were Jesse Tandler, Educational Program Director and Amy Helpern Laff, Director of Strategic Planning.
It's amazing--and encouraging--how this organization has grown since Katie Cantrell started it in 2010! People care!
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