Friday, December 1, 2017

Open Letter to Governor Brown on a Plant-Based Diet

Dear Governor Brown,

For years I've thought of you as a champion for the environment, but it puzzles me that you've been so quiet lately on the connection between the environment and what we eat.

I quoted you recently in a letter to the editor.  (Forgive me while I cite myself!)

I enjoy reading Willie Brown’s column, but he needs to connect the dots. In “Willie’s World,” Sept. 17, he’s gleeful about Bill Clinton’s weight gain, suspecting that “he has ditched the vegan diet that he took up after his heart troubles and is now back to the cheeseburgers that made him great.” Then he extols Gov. Jerry Brown as “the nation’s leading voice on climate change” but ignores what Brown said in 2015 about the impact of our diet on the environment: “I think you should all be eating veggie burgers.”

But my heart sinks (or is it my stomach?) when I read about COP 23 in Bonn, Germany, and can't find anyone urging people to move towards a plant-based diet.  Even Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was the sole voice at COP 21 in Paris in 2015 (where and when vegetarian attendees couldn't find enough to eat) left that out of his talk. 

Can you make a statement to support plant-based diets, or is that too politically sensitive an issue? 


Tina Martin

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