Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The World Vegan Fest on Sunday, October 22 was held in the County Fair Building right next door to the Botanical Garden in Golden Gate Park--on 9th Avenue off of Lincoln--and I think it was a success in spite of being scaled down, with everything--including speakers and cooks--in one huge room--no breakout rooms.  

Three friends joined me at different times.  

More later!


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Just ferried back from lunch with two friends in Sausalito, where we ate at the Spinnaker.  I think my vegan  pasta primavera (vegan pesto) was the best thing at our table!


Saturday, October 14, 2023

I'm putting the happy ending at the beginning--this lovely vegan spread!  As you know, I'm paying attention to what "progressive" organizations serve.  I noticed that at the memorial for Father Louie, who promoted non-violence, there was no meat.  The key speaker last night at Bay Area Transit Rider First Awards was Nayeli Maxson Velasquez, a public transit advocate who spoke on her environmental concerns--causing her and her family to go car-free, one of the most effective ways to lower our individual carbon footprint. another way is to have a vegan diet, and someone had ordered quite an array of meat.

I'm happy that the person shown here is starting at the more environmental-friendly end of the table!