Thursday, November 28, 2019

On Thanksgiving Day--an Acknowledgement of a Turkey Alternative!

Before leaving for the Millennium, where we'll have a small-family big Thanksgiving dinner, I opened an e-mail from the new treasurer of CARA:  How nice that there's an acknowledgement of an alternative to killing the bird!  (But we won't have Tofurkeys.  There really are lots of good things to eat without a substitute bird.)

Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you have a wonderful day with your families.
Enjoy your Turkey and Tofurkeys!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

acknowledgement of eco-efforts

Kudos to a reader of the SF Chronicle, Audrey Haynes of Oakland, who wrote a letter to the editor that was printed November 17, 2019, defending Prius drivers who were mocked in an editorial from November 11 as "virtue-signaling Prius drivers."   Haynes asked why they were mocking her in an article conceding the importance of taking climate change and air quality seriously.

She went on to say "Consider how much mockery vegans get despite most people conceding that the animal cruelty of our agriculture system is wrong."

Interesting that she didn't mention the aspects of of agriculture system that are bad for the environment. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Vegan Mob and Timeless Cafe

A Banquet Can Be Wonderful Even without Much to Eat

I had a wonderful time at a recent banquet  celebration of a marriage because of the people and the fact that it's good to fast occasionally.  The food kept coming, but only three dishes among maybe fifteen were vegan.  Here are two of those three dishes--all very tasty! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Vegan by Me

I've been experimenting with toppings for the cornmeal crust sold at Trader Joe's, Safeway, and other places.  Today I had two and a half red bell peppers and some mushrooms I wanted to use before the suggested expiration date was a year old, so I Googled "bell peppers and mushrooms," and got a recipe for a tasty concoction.

I'm taking two nice neighbors out to dinner tonight, so I'll try the topping, now ready to go, tomorrow.

I knoq ir lookA  bit misty, so here's a clearer picture of the salad I made to go along with it--the kale with lemon-herb dressing I make quite often.

Monday, November 4, 2019

A Restaurant that Does Justice to Vegan Dishes and a Restaurant that Doesn't

Fiorella has a symbol for vegetarian vg and for vegan v, but it doesn't have anything on its menu with the v symbol.  The server told me that they could make a vegetarian pizza vegan, but I really think it came to me with cheese.

But notice how well la Mediteranee does!  All of the pictures are from the combination dinner I ordered.