Saturday, September 30, 2023


Phil Ting's Community Forum was held this morning at the east wing of the California Academy of Sciences, and it was really good.  At one point Phil Ting said, "We're our own worst enemy" in terms of wanting roads but not the gas tax, housing but not in our neighborhoods.  He also gave as an example "We know we should eat less meat and more vegetables, but we go on eating meat and not many vegetables."  

What about the breakfast offered, catered I guess by Constellation Culinary, which shows slices of meat to form its C.

Here's what I found online about the California Academy of Sciences:  

The Academy Café and Terrace Restaurant serve local, organic, and seasonal cuisine, while minimizing the environmental impact with reusable and compostable packaging and an eco-minded recycling program.

What about minimizing the environmental impact by offering plant-based?  

They did offer a generous serving of fruit.  But what about having a plant-based bun with some plant-based protein?  

I sent this message online on Monday, October 2, 2023:

...The breakfast town hall at the California Academy of Sciences was wonderful--really informative with everyone on the team working together. At one point Phil Ting said "We are our own worst enemies" in the context of wanting services but not taxes,  housing but not in our neighborhood.   Another example he gave was "We know we should eat less meat and more vegetables, but we eat more meat and fewer vegetables."  Since we know a plant-based diet is healthier, and plant-based is also better for the environment, could there be a plant-based option along with the sausage, egg, and cheese?   The California Academy of Sciences even had a display showing food and the carbon footprint of each.  I'm sure there are very few vegans at these town halls, but you'd be doing something good for the planet as well as the palate if  you offered a vegan sandwich with protein.  

PS  The beautiful fruit salad was appreciated even though it didn't substitute for a warm plant-based sandwich.

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