Monday, September 24, 2018

Vegan Exchanges between "The Saint of the Tenderloin" and Commonplace Me

I was so thrilled to find out that OWL's dynamic president was (and is) vegan.  She's originally from the South and still speaks with a Southern Accent, but she's a "steel magnolia" in the best sense of the term--someone who's strong and feisty.  In fact, Kevin Fagan of the SF Chronicle did a feature on her when she retired from her Presbyterian ministry in the Tenderloin after 40 years, and he said she was called "The Saint of the Tenderloin."

Now we exchange all the good news we hear or read--action furthering the vegan cause.

Today she wrote to me right after eating at Cybelle's Front Room, the one on 9th near Judah.  She was thrilled to find the enormous vegan menu and to hear from a server that the vegan items are "very popular."  She said she went there to try out the Impossible Burger and "was just blow away by all the other choices--even a Beyond Sausage corn dog!"  She said the sweet potato fries were the best she'd ever eaten.

She also told me that right across the street the Holey Gelato--vegan gelato--also gives 10% discount to anyone over 60!

I responded right away!

Dear Glenda,

At this very moment I was getting ready to send you two links for very good news on the vegan theme.

I LOVE Cybelle's, which I first learned about first-hand when our San Francisco Veg Society met there in June!  I was enraptured.  (Would you like to join our group?  You'd be a wonderful asset!)

Since then I've taken two meat-eating friends there and given them the vegan menu.   Their dessert is good too (beignets), but we wanted ice cream, so Lennie (the owner whose daughter Christa has gone vegan and created the menu) suggested the 12-vegan ice cream place across the street. I think YOU told me about Holey Gelato a while back, but I didn't know about the discount for the people over 60!  They were closed until 1:00 PM, so we went down to the ice cream shop between Irving and Lincoln and had their chocolate vegan ice cream--delicious!

Here's something that bothers me:  The SF Chronicle didn't have anything in their food section during Climate Week to acknowledge the connection between what we eat and how the climate is changing.  As far as I know, they didn't report on The World Resources Institute's Cool Food Pledge either.  But in one of the articles I'm sending you, it says "First announced at the Global Climate Action Summit in September 2018..."  

I'm about to write another letter to the editor because what the SF Chronicle DID do is oppose Proposition 12, the Farm Animal Confinement Initiative, because since Prop 2's passage "California egg production has dropped significantly and egg prices have risen by 33 percent."  I always feel for the people who are making a living from selling eggs, but I also think its' good the California egg production has dropped.  

Here are the two articles I read today--NOT in the SF Chronicle!

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