Saturday, November 4, 2017

Sitting Down at the Lunch Counter with Southerners in the South in the Sixties

Sometimes when I,  a vegan, sit down in a restaurant with non-vegan friends, I feel a little bit like a black person at a lunch counter in the South in the sixties.  I'm not there because I'm hungry.  I'm there because I think things really need to change--for the good of the planet and all living beings on the planet, every race of the human race, and animals in factory farms including those abused for dairy products and those from the sea.

Of course, when I'm with friends, it's not polite to speak out.  I'm supposed to keep quiet and eat so they can enjoy their non-vegan meal.  

I know that.

I'm a bad hostess in so many ways!

But here are some recent delicious plates I've had while alienating people:

First at Zut! in Berkeley--garlic fries, olives, almonds
 Avocado toast at Zut!
 This seasons humus dish--with squash and pomegranates instead of avocado and pistaccios
 The vegan special--not on the menu because, the server told us, too many people would ask for it!
 The mesquite at Greens
 At Bursa on West Portal, where one of our servers told us his daughter was a vegan, and when he offered to substitute two dishes and Shehla protested that they could eat those two dishes, served them separately.

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