Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Letter to the editor: Connecting the Dots

Here’s what I submitted at about 1:06 PM on Sunday, February 9, 2020

Reading Joan Diaz’s alert about the 65 degrees temperature on Antarctica’s Trinity Peninsula and his admonition “wake up, world” (February 8) made me particularly grateful for Joaquin Phoenix’s Best Performance as an Environmentalist (as well as animal welfare advocate) in getting both the Golden Globes and the Oscars to go vegan.   (Not reported in the Chronicle)

Let’s hope Miyoko Schinner wins her suit against the California Department of Food & Agriculture ( sf Chronicle February 7) so that free speech isn't censored and more plant-based products get the support the dairy industry has gotten from the government for so long. 

 Tomorrow a small group of friends will be joining my sister and me for  a post-Oscar discussion and dinner with plant-based versions of the dishes in the Oscar-nominated movies—the ramen in "Parasite," the pecan pie in "Marriage Story," the ice cream sundaes in "The Irishman," etc.    I’m grateful that we have food and film loving friends who understand what Joaquin Phoenix has made clear:  vegan dishes aren’t just for the vegans.  They’re for the environment and for the welfare of all the animals on this warming planet.

  I left this out:

I notice that  Janelle Bitker, who reported on this and is the “food enterprise reporter,” ordered the vegan peanut stew” form Old Skool Café”  at the Chase Center, and Bernadette Fay chose the veggie x’ian and garlic Brussels sprouts,” showing that there’s not a total disconnect between the Chronicle’s warnings and many articles on climate change and the Food and Wine Section of the Chronicle.   
Tomorrow we’re hosting a post-Oscar discussion and dinner with plant-based versions of the dishes in the Oscar-nominated movies—ramen in Parasite, the pecan pie in Marriage Story, the ice cream sundaes in Irishman, etc.    I’m grateful that I have food and film loving friends who understand that vegan dishes aren’t just for the vegans.  They’re for the environment as well as for animal welfare.

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