Tuesday, December 4, 2018

An Open Letter to Kate Harrison, Leader of Berkeley Council's Green Monday Resolution

Dear Kate Harrison,

I'm so grateful to you for the resolution that you led the Berkeley Council in passing!  I'm glad I got to shake hands with you and thank you after Katie introduced me to you and your husband.

Has something been written up about what you've done so far? I don't mean the press releases and articles from September, when your resolution was first announced.  

  I know you said you had your first Green Monday this past week  "and nobody died."  But you spoke of only 9 people.  Was that just for your Berkeley Council?  I was hoping you were going into schools and libraries.  Did anyone observe Green Monday besides you council members?

Do you have pictures of what you ate after the food provider expressed belief that he could come up with a whole vegan lunch?   (I'm going to be something together at the end of this year to answer that question, "What do vegans eat?" to show how many possibilities there are.   I'm going to show what I ate!)

You said during your talk that we shouldn't hesitate to ask for your help in getting Green Monday started in our cities.  Could you help us get it started in SF?  Of course, a lot of councils don't meet on Mondays, but I assume it could be any day of the week.  

If you have a starter kit, I could share it with SF's Department of the Environment and WEN (Women's Environmental Network).  

I don't know why SF is lagging so far behind, but I guess no city can keep up with Berkeley.

Many thanks,

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