Monday, January 8, 2018

2017 in Vegan Review

Javier and I watched Vegan 2017 on New Year's Eve day as part of our festival of documentaries, which really segued into the New York Philharmonic doing Bernstein.

Now I'd like to reflect on what I experienced this year in the vegan movement.

Of course, Jonathan and I wrote vegan stories for each other for Christmas:  I wrote him "Mother's Messianic Messes" and he wrote "A Christmas Carol:  Part II."

Javier and got more than $100 worth of vegan take-out dishes from the Loving Hut for our at-home, just-the-two-of-us New Year's Eve celebration before watching the Vegan 2017 documentary and hearing Bernstein's music.

December also had two vegan social gatherings, which I've also at least mentioned in my blogs.  One was the San Francisco Veg Society, and the other was Factory Farming Awareness Coalition.

Here are some of the people who made these happen. Patly and Greg Rohrbach.   Patly is welcoming members in early December, and Greg is talking to Carol Fregly.  Carol was probably responsible for the venue, Delancey Street.  She had a wonderful vegan dinner for some "shining star" former students at Delancey back in March.

Below you seen Katie Cantrell, founder of Factory Farming Awareness Coalition and Colleen Holland, the co-founder and editor of VegNews

The Keynote speaker at the FFAC was Jasmin Singer, who writes a column for VegNews and wrote the book Always Too Much and Never Enough, which I saw advertised at the Veducate event with Chef Lisa in late August.  Yolanda Calderon introduced me to Milena Esherick whom she described as "a powerhouse who is involved w the Good Food Institute."  Milena Esherick was asking people to sign a petition for new standards for confinement of animals.  I see the number is 17-0026,

New Standards for Confinement of Certain Farm Animals; Bans Sale of Certain Non-Complying Products

Kristie Middleton spoke at the SF Public Library (Below she's pictured with Janet Tom, Librarian Extraordinare).

iAnimal came to the CCSF Ocean Campus in early October.

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